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Spoken & Written Word Workshops

 We organize interactive workshops, seminars and lectures that teach the arts of the written and spoken word. The programs provide participants with unique and innovative communication techniques and develop skill sets to craft and perform inspirational spoken word pieces rooted in the Holy Word. Offering platforms for individuals to develop their abilities to creatively express themselves, POEMS empowers the community.


P.O.E.M.S. Outreach Programs

 We partner with schools, churches, youth development organizations and community centers offering workshops, seminars, lectures, mentorship and literacy programs. We engage at-risk youth, under resourced communities and individuals seeking reentry, personal growth and development. We use spoken word as a tool of empowerment, inspiration and transformation.


Open Mic’s & Staged Productions

POEMS Ministries host open mic forums and staged productions where people are allowed to creatively express themselves and help heal the community. We create welcoming, safe spaces where the necessity for diversity, equity and inclusion is voiced, heard and celebrated. Spoken Word Poetry provides unique and spiritually enriching experiences, fostering a sense of community and connection. 


These initiatives help P.O.E.M.S. Ministries fulfill its vision and mission of empowering lives, illuminating truth and building a community of storytellers grounded in John 1:1 

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